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BodyTite Contouring Before And After Photos

BodyTite Contouring Before And After Photos

Model, not actual patient.

BodyTite is an innovative, FDA-cleared device that eliminates fat and tightens skin. BodyTite body contouring procedure uses a unique device, developed to heat dermal tissue from above and within for more uniform outcomes.

Certain surgeons may display BodyTite body contouring before and after images to patients at the time of the initial consultation. This enables the patient to develop realistic expectations from the body contouring procedure. This also helps develop an environment of trust and transparency between the provider and the patient.

Upon understanding the potential outcomes of the BodyTite body contouring procedure, patients can make a more judicious choice regarding the treatment.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides BodyTite body contouring to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Visual Evidence for Prospective Patients

A surgeon can help new patients feel more confident about BodyTite by showing them before and after images of the procedure to help them attain more clarity on the procedure and its potential results.

Patients can understand the extent to which BodyTite body contouring can sculpt their body when they view before and after images of previous patients. This enables them to make a solid and sensible choice.

A majority of patients gauge that if BodyTite body contouring has effectively sculpted a previous patient’s body, it could potentially do the same for them. BodyTite ‘before and after’ images helps the surgeon and patient to develop trust and transparency between them.

This means that someone can make a custom decision based on exactly what they see. This means they are more comfortable with the decision they make no matter what that decision is.

Specific BodyTite images are not shown on Dr. Khan’s website but other images that are related to this same type of procedure are. This means that someone can view the depth of work that Dr. Khan has completed without notifying anyone and without even leaving their home.

It’s amazing what Internet technology has enabled so many people to do – the world has become flatter. On top of this, these images can be seen using the devices that most people already likely have.


A Picture says it more Eloquently than Words

Images are capable of conveying the true story much more effectively than words can. This is also true for BodyTite body contouring before and after photos. The surgeon will undoubtedly explain various aspects of BodyTite to the patient to help them develop realistic expectations. But words can sometimes be difficult to understand or open to interpretation.  

On the other hand, before and after pictures create a powerful visual effect. Images are immune to the barriers of language, and they present the true story. But the cosmetic surgeon must make sure that these images have not been modified or edited as such pictures can mislead the patient.

The saying “A picture is worth more than a thousand words” certainly holds true in the case of before and after images of cosmetic procedures such as BodyTite body contouring.


Use of Social Media to Raise Awareness

Today, social media platforms have near-universal appeal. Plastic surgeons can harness the immense power of these social media platforms to share BodyTite body contouring before and after pictures. This will help users understand more about this innovative body contouring procedure.

YouTube, Facebook, and Pinterest are some popular image-sharing platforms. Sharing BodyTite body contouring before and after images on such digital platforms can greatly enhance the surgeon’s efforts to educate their target audiences.

On top of all of this, a patient can perhaps see even more images during the consultation which is crucial anyway before any treatment or procedure.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas for BodyTite body contouring.
To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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How much does BodyTite contouring cost?

Model, not actual patient.

The FDA-cleared BodyTite device is designed to remove fat and tighten the skin at the same time. This procedure is a radio frequency assisted lipolysis, or RFAL, which is performed in-office with the patient under local anesthesia.

The main goal of a committed surgeon will be to explain to the patient about the benefits, limitations, alternative treatment solutions and costs, and enable them to make an enlightened decision on BodyTite.

The patient should openly ask questions about the costs and other facets of the procedure. BodyTite body contouring is usually undertaken as an elective cosmetic surgery, which means that the patient will likely not receive insurance coverage for this procedure.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides BodyTite body contouring to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding communities.


Cost Comparison

BodyTite body contouring procedure is significantly more cost-effective than a cosmetic surgery procedure such as liposuction. A surgical procedure usually involves general anesthesia costs, surgeon’s fee, surgical venue costs, and some pre and post-operative expenses.

In comparison, BodyTite body contouring is an in-office procedure that can be carried out under local anesthesia. This will help the patient avoid costs associated with a surgical procedure.

Before making a decision on the procedure, the patient may compare the costs of BodyTite body contouring with other non-surgical procedures such as CoolSculpting or laser skin resurfacing. Each procedure has its own benefits and limitations as well as associated costs.

Some of these procedures may cost less than BodyTite body contouring treatment, but may not deliver the same results. Due to these factors, it is advisable for the patient to assess their budget, skin condition, and cosmetic objectives before making a final decision.


Treatment Extent

BodyTite body contouring treatment costs may sometimes vary slightly between two practices and even between two patients at the same practice depending on the extent of treatment that a specific patient requires. The treatment cost can be determined on the basis of the number of areas to be treated or on a per hour rate, based on the pricing policy of a practice.

In case the surface area to be treated is substantial involving multiple body sites, the costs of BodyTite body contouring may be proportionately higher. Some patients may need only subtle enhancements in a specific region involving minimal treatment.

Others may require periodic monitoring and follow-up treatments to attain their cosmetic goals. In each circumstance, the procedure costs may vary.


Cost Factors

BodyTite body contouring costs usually differ between practices and patients. The area where a particular practice is located also affects the costs. The cost of living and real estate costs are usually higher in prime urban centers compared to small interior towns.

This cost difference will also translate to the costs of products and services in various areas, including the cost of cosmetic procedures such as BodyTite body contouring. On top of this, the skill, qualification, and experience of the treatment provider will also affect the dollar amount of the treatment.



It is likely that the patient will have to pay out-of-pocket for an elective procedure such as BodyTite body contouring. But they may consider the various financing options available.

Many third-party professional medical care financing companies now offer specialized loans for cosmetic procedures. These loans feature quick approvals, lower interest rates, and convenient monthly installments of up to 60 months.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas for BodyTite body contouring.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Procedures – Correcting The Radix

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Procedures - Correcting The Radix | Dallas, Texas

Model, not actual patient.

Dorsal or hump reduction could be the right rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery procedure for patients with a nasal bump or hump. A variation of this condition may cause the illusion of a significant nasal bump, called the pseudo-hump or low radix.

The upper bony part of the nose is known as the radix. The radix and underlying cartilage may be significant producing the appearance of a bump. A shallow radix can cause a depression and a bump. The plastic surgeon can reduce the size of the radix by cautiously shaving away small portions.

To add fullness to a depressed area of the nose, the surgeon may use cartilage from another area of the patient’s nose. They can create a straighter slope by augmenting the space right above the radix. The proper management of the radix is important to create a natural nose appearance.


If the patient has a pseudo-hump, it means that the radix is not properly developed and is under-projecting. This creates a facial profile where the tissue underneath the radix, towards the nasal tip, seems even more rotund than it actually is. The appearance of a pseudo-hump occurs when the radix bone does not project the overlying soft tissue properly.

Correcting an Underdeveloped and Low Radix

Rhinoplasty with radix tissue grafting is the most suitable treatment for an under-projecting radix. Cartilage, fascia, or other soft tissue may be used to augment the radix. The graft is usually a sculpted fragment of cartilage, typically taken from the septum. The surgeon places this graft underneath the skin and muscle of the radix.

The surgeon will augment the deficient bony structure by placing a cartilage graft over the bone where it elevates the depressed soft tissue. This procedure helps develop a much straighter profile without the need to remove any cartilage or bone beneath the radix.

Can you have Weak Radix and a True Hump?

Some patients can have an under-developed radix as well as a true hump. The advantage of addressing these problems at the same time is that the surgeon can perform a more conservative hump removal.

The surgeon will bring the ideal profile line closer to the hump by elevating the position of the radix. This will allow the surgeon to create a straighter profile by removing a lesser portion of the hump.

The outcomes of this procedure look less artificial and more natural due to a stronger nasal starting point.

Correcting Radix as Part of Revision Rhinoplasty

The angle between the frontal and nasal bones of the nose forms the height of the radix. This height should be proportionate to the dorsal height, length, and tip for balanced and aesthetically appealing results.

In case the radix remains too high, or the graft placed during the surgery is too large, the nose will have a Romanesque appearance. Revision rhinoplasty involves reducing the radix to its appropriate and most harmonious proportions compared to other nasal aspects and facial characteristics.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Procedures

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Procedures | Dallas, Texas

Model, not actual patient.

Depending on the unique needs of the patient, a rhinoplasty surgeon can recommend an appropriate technique. At the time of the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will establish the patient as a candidate for a specific type of rhinoplasty procedure.

Reduction Rhinoplasty

Reduction rhinoplasty is a common nose reshaping cosmetic surgery technique. It allows the nose to be more harmonious and proportional to other facial characteristics. This procedure can effectively address nasal issues such as an elongated nose tip, wide nostrils, and a nasal bump.

The surgeon will eliminate tiny fragments of cartilage and bone to attain an aesthetically desirable shape. They may use a technique called alar base reduction to shrink the nostrils. This procedure involves removing tiny amounts of tissue from the area where the nostrils connect to the cheek.

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

Another major nose reshaping procedure is known as augmentation rhinoplasty. This procedure involves the surgeon grafting bone or tissue to develop the nasal tip and/or bridge.

Sometimes the surgeon uses cartilage sourced from other locations in the nose, such as the septum. However, if there is insufficient availability of tissue in this area, the surgeon may use cartilage from other parts of the body, rib bone, synthetic material, or other forms of biological tissue.

Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty

Post-Traumatic rhinoplasty surgery is an effective solution for patients with nasal injuries. This procedure can improve the functionality as well as the appearance of the nose. Post-traumatic nose surgery can address a crooked nose and correct problems in the nasal septum.

Many post-traumatic rhinoplasty patients suffer from fractured noses. In such cases, the surgeon may need to re-fracture the nose. After that, they will reset the nose to attain desirable outcomes. A surgeon can usually set a basic nose fracture within a 10-day period following the fracture.

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

Reconstructive rhinoplasty can help patients who have lost their full nose or a portion of it to accidents, skin cancer, or another serious disease. The nose surgeon uses various processes such as skin grafts, flap technique, and other innovative techniques to rebuild the nose. This procedure is complicated and may require multiple surgeries over several months.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

The techniques used in ethnic rhinoplasty are the same as those used in other types of nose reshaping procedures.

People from ethnicities such as African American, Afro-Caribbean, Middle-Eastern, Hispanic, and Asian usually seek ethnic rhinoplasty. In performing ethnic rhinoplasty, the surgeon must make sure that they maintain the integrity and identity of the ethnic face.

Adolescent Rhinoplasty

Most surgeons recommend that teenage patients wait until their nose is completely developed before seeking rhinoplasty surgery. Exceptions may include patients with breathing difficulties or those who have undergone trauma. In addition, the surgeon must ensure that the teenage patient is mentally and emotionally ready to undergo a nose surgery.


To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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BodyTite Contouring Before And After Photos

BodyTite Contouring Before And After Photos | DallasBodyTite is an innovative, FDA-cleared device that eliminates fat and tightens skin. BodyTite body contouring procedure uses a unique device, developed to heat dermal tissue from above and within for more uniform outcomes.

Certain surgeons may display BodyTite body contouring before and after images to patients at the time of the initial consultation. This enables the patient to develop realistic expectations from the body contouring procedure. This also helps develop an environment of trust and transparency between the provider and the patient.

Upon understanding the potential outcomes of the BodyTite body contouring procedure, patients can make a more judicious choice regarding the treatment.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides BodyTite body contouring to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Visual Evidence for Prospective Patients

A surgeon can help new patients feel more confident about BodyTite by showing them before and after images of the procedure to help them attain more clarity on the procedure and its potential results.

Patients can understand the extent to which BodyTite body contouring can sculpt their body when they view before and after images of previous patients. This enables them to make a solid and sensible choice.

A majority of patients gauge that if BodyTite body contouring has effectively sculpted a previous patient’s body, it could potentially do the same for them. BodyTite ‘before and after’ images helps the surgeon and patient to develop trust and transparency between them.

This means that someone can make a custom decision based on exactly what they see. This means they are more comfortable with the decision they make no matter what that decision is.

Specific BodyTite images are not shown on Dr. Khan’s website but other images that are related to this same type of procedure are. This means that someone can view the depth of work that Dr. Khan has completed without notifying anyone and without even leaving their home.

It’s amazing what Internet technology has enabled so many people to do – the world has become flatter. On top of this, these images can be seen using the devices that most people already likely have.


A Picture says it more Eloquently than Words

Images are capable of conveying the true story much more effectively than words can. This is also true for BodyTite body contouring before and after photos. The surgeon will undoubtedly explain various aspects of BodyTite to the patient to help them develop realistic expectations. But words can sometimes be difficult to understand or open to interpretation.  

On the other hand, before and after pictures create a powerful visual effect. Images are immune to the barriers of language, and they present the true story. But the cosmetic surgeon must make sure that these images have not been modified or edited as such pictures can mislead the patient.

The saying “A picture is worth more than a thousand words” certainly holds true in the case of before and after images of cosmetic procedures such as BodyTite body contouring.


Use of Social Media to Raise Awareness

Today, social media platforms have near-universal appeal. Plastic surgeons can harness the immense power of these social media platforms to share BodyTite body contouring before and after pictures. This will help users understand more about this innovative body contouring procedure.

YouTube, Facebook, and Pinterest are some popular image-sharing platforms. Sharing BodyTite body contouring before and after images on such digital platforms can greatly enhance the surgeon’s efforts to educate their target audiences.

On top of all of this, a patient can perhaps see even more images during the consultation which is crucial anyway before any treatment or procedure.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas for BodyTite body contouring.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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How much does BodyTite contouring cost?

How much does BodyTite contouring cost? | DallasThe FDA-cleared BodyTite device is designed to remove fat and tighten the skin at the same time. This procedure is a radio frequency assisted lipolysis, or RFAL, which is performed in-office with the patient under local anesthesia.

The main goal of a committed surgeon will be to explain to the patient about the benefits, limitations, alternative treatment solutions and costs, and enable them to make an enlightened decision on BodyTite.

The patient should openly ask questions about the costs and other facets of the procedure. BodyTite body contouring is usually undertaken as an elective cosmetic surgery, which means that the patient will likely not receive insurance coverage for this procedure.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides BodyTite body contouring to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding communities.


Cost Comparison

BodyTite body contouring procedure is significantly more cost-effective than a cosmetic surgery procedure such as liposuction. A surgical procedure usually involves general anesthesia costs, surgeon’s fee, surgical venue costs, and some pre and post-operative expenses.

In comparison, BodyTite body contouring is an in-office procedure that can be carried out under local anesthesia. This will help the patient avoid costs associated with a surgical procedure.

Before making a decision on the procedure, the patient may compare the costs of BodyTite body contouring with other non-surgical procedures such as CoolSculpting or laser skin resurfacing. Each procedure has its own benefits and limitations as well as associated costs.

Some of these procedures may cost less than BodyTite body contouring treatment, but may not deliver the same results. Due to these factors, it is advisable for the patient to assess their budget, skin condition, and cosmetic objectives before making a final decision.


Treatment Extent

BodyTite body contouring treatment costs may sometimes vary slightly between two practices and even between two patients at the same practice depending on the extent of treatment that a specific patient requires. The treatment cost can be determined on the basis of the number of areas to be treated or on a per hour rate, based on the pricing policy of a practice.

In case the surface area to be treated is substantial involving multiple body sites, the costs of BodyTite body contouring may be proportionately higher. Some patients may need only subtle enhancements in a specific region involving minimal treatment.

Others may require periodic monitoring and follow-up treatments to attain their cosmetic goals. In each circumstance, the procedure costs may vary.


Cost Factors

BodyTite body contouring costs usually differ between practices and patients. The area where a particular practice is located also affects the costs. The cost of living and real estate costs are usually higher in prime urban centers compared to small interior towns.

This cost difference will also translate to the costs of products and services in various areas, including the cost of cosmetic procedures such as BodyTite body contouring. On top of this, the skill, qualification, and experience of the treatment provider will also affect the dollar amount of the treatment.



It is likely that the patient will have to pay out-of-pocket for an elective procedure such as BodyTite body contouring. But they may consider the various financing options available.

Many third-party professional medical care financing companies now offer specialized loans for cosmetic procedures. These loans feature quick approvals, lower interest rates, and convenient monthly installments of up to 60 months.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas for BodyTite body contouring.


To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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