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Questions to Ask Your Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction) Plastic Surgeon

Questions to Ask Your Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction) Plastic SurgeonThe decision to choose gynecomastia or male breast reduction cosmetic surgery should be made after a careful deliberation, and after clarifying all doubts and concerns that the patient may have. During the initial consultation, the patient will have an opportunity to ask questions about the procedure as well as the surgeon’s practice.

Patients with complete clarity will often feel more comfortable with their choice and achieve better satisfaction levels in the end. A dedicated surgeon will address all the questions of the patient in an accurate and detailed manner. Salient, incredible, and board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides gynecomastia surgery to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding communities in this region of the country.


Questions about the Surgeon

  • Are you a board certified plastic surgeon?
  • How many years of training and experience in the area of cosmetic surgery?
  • Which surgical venue would you recommend for gynecomastia surgery in my case?
  • Do you have staff privileges at one of the local hospitals?
  • In case of any emergency, will your office be able to handle it?
  • If the results of the surgery are not as we agree upon, would you perform a revision surgery?


Questions about Gynecomastia

  • Am I a fabulous candidate for male breast reduction surgery?
  • What surgical technique would you use in my case?
  • Will I need only excision surgery or a combination of excision and liposuction?
  • Will the procedure involve local or general anesthesia?
  • How long would it take to complete the surgery, and can I return home the same day?
  • Are there any lifestyle changes I am expected to make before the procedure?
  • Can I see a video of the procedure or review some gynecomastia before and after images of past patients?


Questions about Recovery

  • Is the recovery going to be long and painful?
  • How much leave from my workplace should I apply for after the gynecomastia surgery?
  • Are there any steps I can take to make the recovery safer and faster?
  • What are the potential risks and complications that I should be aware of?
  • When can I go back to work or resume my normal routine, including physical exercises?


Questions about Costs

  • How much would the gynecomastia surgery cost?
  • Does your cost estimate cover the pre- and post-surgical expenses?
  • Will the costs reduce if I choose to have my procedure performed at an accredited surgery center instead of a hospital?
  • Will I have to pay additionally for post-operative appointments?
  • Can I get a rebate if I combine gynecomastia with another procedure to be performed at the same time?
  • Will your office be able to guide me about insurance and financing?

If the patient is unclear about the surgeon’s answer at any point, he should freely ask the question again or seek more clarification. It is important to be fully satisfied and clear about the procedure before going ahead with a major surgery such as gynecomastia. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and other cities and suburbs around this amazing city in this profound and sterling state of Texas.  

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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Questions to Ask Your Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction) Plastic Surgeon

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