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How much does Breast Surgery cost?

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In the area of breast cosmetic surgery, procedures such as breast augmentation, lift, reduction, and reconstruction are highly customizable. Consequently, there can be some variations in the dollar figure of these procedures.

To arrive at an approximate price tag, the patient will need to discuss her individual goals and requirements from the breast procedure with the breast surgeon. Successful board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides breast surgery procedures to patients in Dallas, Texas and surrounding locations and towns in this area of the state.

Breast Augmentation Price Tag

Each surgeon has a different approach to performing a breast augmentation surgery with varying availability of amenities as well as differences in the level of experience. In general, the plastic surgeon that a woman chooses for a breast surgery can have the most impact on the overall costs of the procedure.

Breast implants are responsible for the increment in the shape and size of the breasts in a breast augmentation surgery. These implants are available in various shapes and sizes, and comprise one of the following materials:

  • Saline
  • Silicone
  • Ultra Cohesive Silicone

Breast Lift Cost

Various factors determine the costs of a breast lift procedure. Factors that influence the costs of mastopexy are surgical venue fees, anesthesia costs, the surgeon’s charges and costs of breast implants if required.

Breast lift surgery is an elective procedure and does not usually receive insurance coverage. However, the surgeon may be able to offer the patient guidance on the various financing options available to her.

The surgical costs also partly depend on the length and extent of the surgery. In case the breasts are sagging to a greater degree, or if they are substantial, the patient will need a more extended and expensive procedure. It is advisable for the patient to discuss her specific needs with a cosmetic surgeon to establish the exact procedure she needs and the approximate costs of the surgery particular to her.

Breast Reduction Financial Responsibilities

There are various advantages of breast reduction surgery. However, the cost is a vital factor for the patient to determine if this procedure is appropriate for her. Breast reduction surgery costs vary between surgeons on the basis of various factors.

Many women seek this procedure to address specific medical issues arising from the presence of oversized breasts such as neck, back, and shoulder pain or an overall sense of discomfort. In case the patient can acquire proof for her doctor that her large breasts are the reason for such symptoms, her insurer may be able to offer coverage for this surgery.

Patients can check with their insurance company to see whether a breast reduction surgery procedure is eligible for coverage in their specific case.

Breast Reconstruction Sticker Price

Breast reduction costs may depend on the following factors:

  • Whether the surgery is being performed on one or both breasts
  • Whether the reconstructive surgery is being carried out along with the mastectomy or at a later date
  • The breast reconstruction surgery technique being utilized (flap or implant)
  • Special breast health circumstances that may render the surgery more complicated

Devoted board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas and nearby areas in this prolific state for breast surgery.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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Breast Lift Surgery 

imagesThe sticker price for breast lift cosmetic surgery procedure will vary depending on several factors. The costs of anesthesia, fee charged by the surgeon, operating room expenses and various other pre- and post-operative expenses will differ from one practice to another. In any case, patients should choose the right breast lift surgeon, while treating the cost aspect as secondary to her decision.

Breast lift is an elective surgery, and the financial factors will usually not be covered under health insurance. Therefore, patients should frankly discuss the cost aspects with the plastic surgeon at the time of initial consultation. Dr. Farah Naz Khan is a board certified female plastic surgeon providing breast lift to patients in Dallas, Texas and other areas.

Length and Complexity

To make a well-informed choice, the patient should have a clear understanding of all the direct and indirect costs associated with breast lift. The length and complexity of the breast lift procedure will influence the overall cost. If the size of the breasts is significantly large or the breasts are sagging heavily, it may require a longer and more complicated cosmetic surgery.

This could lead to an increase in costs, depending on the policy of the practice. Sometimes breast lift will be combined with breast implants, which will also increase the overall price tag.

Operating Room 

The breast lift procedure may be performed at a hospital, an ambulatory surgical center or a private surgical suite. The costs and benefits related to each option will differ. In an exceptional situation, if the patient requires overnight stay at the surgical facility, it will lead to an increase of costs. Anesthesia could be performed by an anesthesiologist or a certified anesthetist nurse. Their fee will differ according to their skill and experience.

Post-Surgical Costs

After the breast lift procedure is completed, the patient may require antibiotics, prescription pain medications, and surgical support garment. In some cases, the post-operative visits to the surgeon’s office may also be charged. If any complication arises during recovery, it may involve additional medical tests, x-rays, or medication costs.

Patients should take all major and minor expenses into account while preparing a dollar figure estimate or arranging finances. They should frankly discuss the financial issue with the surgeon so that there are no surprises later on. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas and surrounding locations for breast lift surgery.

Insurance and Financing

A breast lift and the monetary amount will usually not be covered by the insurer because it is an aesthetic procedure. However, in exceptional circumstances, if it can be medically proved that the heavily saggy breasts are causing physical distress or hindering the performance of daily tasks, it may be possible to receive full or partial coverage under the patient’s health policy.

Patients are usually eligible for numerous competitive financing options to pay for the procedure conveniently in affordable monthly installments. Professional medical care financing companies will offer quick loan approvals and very low interest rates for surgical procedure such as breast lift. Patients can also explore personal finance options through family and friends.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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